Thanks mate. Spot on
Best bring this up to date. Over the following couple of days, it happened like this.
I normally run Win 7 Ultimate, my previous OS being XP Home. That was my previous C: Drive. When I went Win 7, I bought a tetra drive and installed it on that. New C: drive.
Not a problem, just switched by hitting f12 on boot up. Then the poor XP drive got a bit neglected because I used the free XP Pro virtual available for free under Win 7 Ultimate.
Right then. I asked someone else to put Kubuntu on my system, as I was busy, and it seems they did it under Wubi from the XP Home drive.
Stay with me here…
The Win7 SP1 error means that win7 was not found as the first bootable drive.
So, I tried to boot from the drive, and hit an error.
I ran a Win7 x 64 repair DVD, on that drive, and I was back in.
So what about the XP Home and Kubuntu?
I was able to hit f12 and boot into drive zero Ububtu and XP through grub, but when I wanted Win7 I got an error 0x(all the zero’s)51. Ignored it. Rebooted into XP, through grub, restarted. Ububtu through grub. Restarted.
Win7, through grub, sorted.
And now I can hit Win7 either through grub, or, as I prefer at the moment, set the Win7 drive as main drive, and switch as needed.
I know, clear as mud, sorry. Hope it helps someone.