To the ten guests browsing..

… why not register, we don’t bite :wink: There’s a special promotion running at the moment, you get a free bowl of custard and a big cuddle from SpeedyJ :smiley:

Biting can be arranged if you’re into tht kind of thing… :wink:

:bondage: :devil:

Originally posted by riddlermarc
… why not register, we don’t bite :wink:

And I’m a very caring person :wink: :bondage:

So, come on in and get registered :slight_smile:

Originally posted by metz2000
[B]Biting can be arranged if you’re into tht kind of thing… :wink:

:bondage: :devil: [/B]
/really begins to worry about metz… :eek:

Originally posted by riddlermarc
/really begins to worry about metz… :eek:

I’m not the one with cows in my sig :stuck_out_tongue:fetish boy!

Originally posted by metz2000
I’m not the one with cows in my sig :stuck_out_tongue:fetish boy!

It’s not just any old cow. :nono: That’s Alan. :nod:

:alan: :alan:

:hail: :hail: :hail: :alan:

All hail Alan, the holy and sacred TPR cow :worship: :alan: :worship:

… after all folks, the best custard is made with real milk :lol:

and if you behave nicely I might get the red whip out :bondage:

Originally posted by riddlermarc
… why not register, we don’t bite :wink:

Speak for yourself:devil:

Originally posted by liz
and if you behave nicely I might get the red whip out :bondage:

Yes please :smiley:

Originally posted by wolram
All hail Alan, the holy and sacred TPR cow :worship: :alan: :worship:

WTF! Am I missing something…

Sometime between Nov 2001 and Apr 2003 Alan was discussed. Give me details of what this is about…

Originally posted by Apex
Yes please :smiley:

/…prepares bucket & floormop :slight_smile:

Sorry, one of them was me being to lazy to log in at work :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by metz2000
[B]WTF! Am I missing something…

Sometime between Nov 2001 and Apr 2003 Alan was discussed. Give me details of what this is about… [/B]

Alan is a fluffy toy cow that belongs to riddlermarc. I’m sure he’ll give us a webcam shot at some point. riddler has a strange fixation with it, we prefer not to question why.

Originally posted by Mincer
Alan is a fluffy toy cow that belongs to riddlermarc. I’m sure he’ll give us a webcam shot at some point. riddler has a strange fixation with it, we prefer not to question why.
Alan is not fluffy, she is just a little squidgy… anyway, it’s nice and warm for her on top of my monitor :slight_smile:

… there she is, in all her glory sat with some friends (she’s the one on the right if you couldn’t tell) :slight_smile:

Originally posted by riddlermarc
[B]Alan is not fluffy, she is just a little squidgy… anyway, it’s nice and warm for her on top of my monitor :slight_smile:

… there she is, in all her glory sat with some friends (she’s the one on the right if you couldn’t tell) :slight_smile: [/B]

Thanks for enlightening me… LOL :smiley:

I’m suprised alan hasn’t posted yet :smiley: