hiya peeps i got a toshiba satellite laptop anyone got any ideas on how to put it back to factory settings please ???
many thanks
Whats the problem with it Brucie?
just got to much rubbish on it and it running a bit slow
I have a Toshiba laptop among others. Do you have the restore discs? You could wipe it and do a clean restore. Toshiba, like every laptop vendor, loads their machines up with all sorts of junk unfortunately. It is always a chore to strip away all the junk that may be slowing the machine. If it has antivirus software that is the first thing I would get rid of. Horrible slowdown. Install your own if you need it. The amount of junk the laptop maker puts on the machine has often made me format the hard drive and install a new copy of the operating system.
yeah it had nortons on it when i got it got rid of that first thing i did…lol . Yes i did do the disc but the wife has done a “tidy up” and now can’t find anything lol someone told me it’s one of the “f” keys on bootup but they can’t remember which one . I even looked in the toshiba folder as some machines had a factory reset in there but no luck with that .
it’s ok sorted it thanks to watto thanks guys