TPR Daily Flame 13th May 2006

13 May 2006

12-May-2006 17:57 31.3M (seti server time and XML size)

New Recruits
2 new users today.

No leavers :slight_smile:

Premier League
R33 moves up 1 place to 25th stomping Captain Beyond

Division 1
DougKost moves up 1 place to 1st stomping Jim Wile
Sgt Bilko moves up 1 place to 3rd stomping Kevin Beasley
Kevin G. Clarke moves up 2 places to 18th stomping Endre and roguebfl
Andy Wiliams moves up 1 place to 44th stomping wheelieslug
SizEzE moves up 1 place to 46th stomping Gandalf

Division 2
Fleshwound moves up 1 place to 13th stomping Shanks
Zylas moves up 1 place to 29th stomping Paul Day
Dale moves up 2 places to 35th stomping and Gerald Saunders

Division 3
Pants moves up 1 place to 25th stomping Nameless 1
Andylamb moves up 3 places to 30th stomping ET_Seeker, Mogwai and Stephen R Homer
Scott moves up 1 place to 42nd stomping Colin Baker
MickeyC moves up 3 places to 47th stomping blackhawk_45, derbal and Manuel Hohmann

Division 4
WORMSS moves up 1 place to 1st stomping Craig Hovey
tomcoomes moves up 1 place to 15th stomping Ken
Mr_SeeD moves up 4 places to 35th stomping Geophite, Patfan73, Alta and James J Lee
NightWlf moves up 2 places to 48th stomping Audra and Paul Gysen

Division 5
Memnoch moves up 1 place to 2nd stomping Nowhere Man

Division 6
Ryu moves up 4 places to 17th stomping Steven Zusack, henry, Lagom1 and ComTeck
Julean moves up 3 places to 49th stomping Tom Moore, StarTiger and Solidus

Nice crunching by all :smiley:


and their the second stomp I’ve been expect since Kevin and Endre “woke up”

:stomp: Comming through :stomp:
Does this mean mogwai will do a strip on cam for me :stuck_out_tongue:

Cheers for the news, looks like I did a little bit of ing myself :wink:

:woot: another stomp. nice pic too :smiley:

:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Cheers DT. I’m sure I know that girl from somewhere? :chin: :smiley: