TPR Daily News 28th July 2003

28 July 2003

As of 5:00am GMT

Team Progress

 11 Team MacAddict...............................4194188 (2702)
 12 Sun Microsystems.............................3976162 (1328)
 13 SGI SETI.....................................3409494 (1022)
 14 The Planetary Society........................3131635 (1910)
 15 Team EDGE....................................3073402 (10115)
[b] 16 Phoenix Rising...............................2932495 (10998)[/b]
 17 IBM..........................................2783061 (1986)
 18 Seti Team.......................2611986 (4036)

Team EDGE put in a respectable ~10k, but more joiners sees our daily gain close the gap a little more.

New Recruits
Say Hello to Egad Ivegoninsane with 3185 units in 166th position, GaviN with 2868 units in 176th position and Joacim Berglund with 611 units in 372nd position. :slight_smile:

None today! :slight_smile:

Daily Big Hitters

 1 Brian Weeks..................................313
 2 Fadamor......................................231
 3 LUC1FER......................................221
 4 Deaky........................................169
 5 Landor.......................................155
 6 Bob Whitaker.................................136
 7 markONE......................................87
 8 mojo.........................................82
 9 The Fiend....................................81
10 josephrohan..................................79

Some top dumping over the last 24hrs :thumbsup:

Rolling Week Big Hitters

 1 Fadamor......................................1033
 2 Landor.......................................998
 3 Bob Whitaker.................................942
 4 Rythim and Dancin............................924
 5 MrTFWitt.....................................653
 6 Brian Weeks..................................633
 7 markONE......................................614
 8 kosmickat....................................605
 9 The Fiend....................................579
10 mojo.........................................539

Congratulations to DoubleTop on 5000 [Berkeley Milestone], Chewie on 750 [Berkeley Milestone], SETI@Southgate on 500 [Berkeley Milestone], The Fiend on 20000 and fatterbob on 250 [Berkeley Milestone]! :thumbsup:


Premier League

No movement today!

28412 units needed for entry with 534 units produced in the last 24 hours.

Division 1

Andy King Of All & Lucifer moves up 1 place to 32nd position stomping Andy Underhill

11016 units needed for entry with 344 units produced in the last 24 hours.

Division 2

docpugh moves up 1 place to 31st position stomping Kimba
Justobrien moves up 1 place to 8th position stomping Spizlay
Piet moves up 1 place to 28th position stomping Haggis
Zen5050 moves up 1 place to 36th position stomping Radar

5740 units needed for entry with 285 units produced in the last 24 hours.

Division 3

Darkcactus moves up 1 place to 39th position stomping Freya of The Asgard
Christian Weiße moves up 1 place to 8th position stomping barcode
rolandsea moves up 1 place to 20th position stomping Saving Angels - Team Phoenix Rising

3930 units needed for entry with 136 units produced in the last 24 hours.

Division 4

Victor Lawrence moves up 1 place to 1st position stomping AN7 & Co
Kevin Beasley moves up 1 place to 28th position stomping ElPablo2000
Andy moves up 1 place to 40th position stomping AAdjuster

2667 units needed for entry with 6140 units produced in the last 24 hours.

Division 5

Tigerffm moves up 7 places to 15th position stomping Andrew E. Reid, SPEEDYJ, Paul Day, Azzitude, HiddenInsanity, sandy915 and TankGirl
Matt moves up 1 place to 2nd position stomping Cameron - Son of Jeff
TonyP moves up 1 place to 31st position stomping Jaguar
HiddenInsanity moves up 1 place to 20th position stomping sandy915

1833 units needed for entry with 61 units produced in the last 24 hours.

Division 6

LUC1FER moves up 16 places to 22nd position stomping Timothy Steinbrunner, Welsh Kaibigan 1, gizmo, tomcoomes, vix, Quakester, Micro7, Big_Al, paulfm, AGD, Scott Deakin, Stubzz, wolram, Daniel Goldberg, aman and BounceOut
Godfather moves up 3 places to 25th position stomping Terry Blanton, Timothy Steinbrunner and Welsh Kaibigan 1
Stubzz moves up 3 places to 38th position stomping wolram, Daniel Goldberg and aman
Louis C. LaCour, Jr. moves up 1 place to 4th position stomping Shags
Michael Ban moves up 1 place to 19th position stomping Noah Moses
gizmo moves up 1 place to 29th position stomping tomcoomes
vix moves up 1 place to 31st position stomping Quakester
Micro7 moves up 1 place to 33rd position stomping Big_Al

1368 units needed for entry with 294 units produced in the last 24 hours.

Division 7

ET_Seeker moves up 6 places to 12th position stomping Kirchoff, Ganfer.Asheet, PappiStox2K, ManfredK, Max Motive and Kevin
Mr_Sobre moves up 2 places to 28th position stomping Alex Lloyd and webshooter
lil’ riddler moves up 1 place to 36th position stomping Azzer
luigione moves up 1 place to 37th position stomping Azzer
TPR VT Darts Stomper moves up 1 place to 9th position stomping Grouch
solar eclipse moves up 1 place to 39th position stomping Dezyboy1
NytHound moves up 1 place to 40th position stomping Dezyboy1
PappiStox2K moves up 1 place to 15th position stomping ManfredK
Alex Lloyd moves up 1 place to 29th position stomping webshooter

1017 units needed for entry with 56 units produced in the last 24 hours.

Division 8

Promoted! - Chewie moves up 8 places to 40th position stomping Nerd2, atopperuk, Andy/Heather Lewis, Charlie1, LinearB 's Final Resting Place, SigmaCyn, Texasvirgo and Davepet
jimwyser moves up 2 places to 11th position stomping Jim Pace and afraser2k
Doug moves up 1 place to 9th position stomping paullitsa
Donna^^O^^Darko moves up 1 place to 16th position stomping Quetzalcoatl
Nigel moves up 1 place to 8th position stomping paullitsa
Mayo moves up 1 place to 29th position stomping bagent

750 units needed for entry with 32 units produced in the last 24 hours.

Division 9

Don Farry moves up 1 place to 21st position stomping Steven A. Zusack
Andy/Heather Lewis moves up 1 place to 3rd position stomping Charlie1

549 units needed for entry with 628 units produced in the last 24 hours.

Division 10

BoyWonder moves up 15 places to 105th position stomping Max Motive (inactive), Charmaka, vinnie, Sarzo, ColdFire, Spike, tesla, Ghawk, T, NBCMagus, Robert Patterson, zaloo1, XP Misfits, Retired, now a part of P4 Misfits and ahen8
fatterbob moves up 8 places to 64th position stomping VR_Kobra, Abie, Tom Moore, bmorlan, Audrey Weast, Therese B., UnoDeLupe and Kelvy
OgrePete moves up 7 places to 98th position stomping Dex Killer, Augmented Bobcat, Eugene McNiel, Dragonballzman, Hitnrun, tdweekly and Max Motive (inactive)
Monitor-Man moves up 6 places to 162nd position stomping picard17, Bacon, ALD, TPR_George, Michelle and animity
pamplemoose moves up 5 places to 82nd position stomping renegade, Jeffery Craig, christine, Ladyhawk94 and Frank Schmidt
Mr A M Brosia moves up 4 places to 89th position stomping Stox2K, TrueInsanity, Ronha and Gregory Chew
SETI@Southgate moves up 3 places to 8th position stomping julean, Tempest and dirtydog (retired)
fatteraj moves up 3 places to 138th position stomping Rapparini, jtopper and ManfredK#1
Mr.Bungle moves up 2 places to 130th position stomping Retired, Now crunching for P4 Misfits and dog slow muppet
Bacon moves up 3 places to 164th position stomping ALD, TPR_George and Michelle
DaBeeeenster moves up 1 place to 172nd position stomping ThuNDeR
s__monty moves up 1 place to 28th position stomping ]JR[
Jennifer Michelle moves up 1 place to 41st position stomping Chris Jolly
BlueStealth moves up 1 place to 125th position stomping
Owen Crossby moves up 1 place to 135th position stomping PeteB
julean moves up 1 place to 9th position stomping Tempest
Audrey Weast moves up 1 place to 69th position stomping Therese B.

0 units needed for entry with 107 units produced in the last 24 hours.

Virtual Teams

 # Team                                    Total    Week    Daily
 1 SETI@Overseas..........................348696     885      161
 2 Team Jedi..............................324836    2474      229
 3 Team BOTTOM............................309447   -2977      411
 4 Team Midlands@Home.....................298983    2050      312
 5 Team Ex-Skz............................284291  284291     2506
 6 Team Petrol Head.......................261836    1265      357
 7 Team Top...............................214850     839      150
 8 Team SPAM..............................193577   18117      312
 9 Team USA...............................151226    1617      340
10 Team Red Rose..........................135476     164        9
11 Team SETI@Home.........................119552    1387      202
12 Team Tyke@Home.........................101664    2836      201
13 Team Fleeing Bananas....................88440  -15687      235
14 Team Capital............................64919     482       32
15 Team Scotland...........................61984     331       33
16 Wet 'n' Wild@Home.......................54415     328       25
17 Team Wales..............................48019     575       31
18 BSIT....................................47719     106       32
19 Team Basingstoke........................23487    1057       11
20 The Happy Hubsters......................16630     721      390
21 TPR Team Darts..........................13322     677       31
22 #net.....................................2506       0        0
23 Team Sloth@Home..........................2203      16        2

Drag Races

[[b]Race Challenge Thread[/b]](
 # Race name                         % Complete   Target   Remainder   Total   Week   24hr
 1 milkykev                               57.20      500         214     286     56      8
 2 Dalethfc                               44.00      500         280     220     54      8
 3 Noah Moses                             34.00      500         330     170     13      0

[[b]Race Challenge Thread[/b]](
 # Race name                         % Complete   Target   Remainder   Total   Week   24hr
 1 BullyDT                             Finished      500         -49     549    488     12
 2 Hidden Insane Boyos                    90.80      500          46     454    411     19
 3 Team Slackers                          83.40      500          83     417    374     55
 4 Mighty Mortlake                        78.00      500         110     390    340     49
 5 The Undecided                          75.60      500         122     378    332     48
 6 Gimp Suit Bandits                      71.00      500         145     355    330     57

[[b]Race Challenge Thread[/b]](
 # Race name                         % Complete   Target   Remainder   Total   Week   24hr
 1 MrTFWitt                               96.11    40000        1557   38443    653     13
 2 Kwazy Wabbit                           95.64    40000        1745   38255     57     17
 3 Mojo                                   93.81    40000        2475   37525    539     82
 4 Mulda                                  92.03    40000        3190   36810    260     61

Can somebody pls do the honours with the Top Tot™, am at work already and can’t really surf the “dodgy sites” :wink:

added picture. M@tt

The numbers are looking great! Keep up the good work everybody!

Thanks for the news mate! :thumbsup:

Thanks for the excellent news Ridds. :thumbsup:

Welcome aboard Egad Ivegoninsane, GaviN and Joacim Berglund.

Congradulations DoubleTop for 5,000 woots for the third day in a row. :nod:

Great crunching Chewie, SETI@Southgate, The Fiend and fatterbob.:cool:

Thanks for the news m8. :smiley:


Great report M8

Welcome to all new joiners

Well done to All



Cheers Ridds :thumbsup:

Great job on the news :thumbsup:

nice 1 :smiley:

Minus the new joiners, I make it the rest of us outputted over 4300 Woots yesterday.


Well done team!

Thanks for the news :slight_smile:

Top report as usual mate - thanks! :cheers:

Good report m8 :cheers:

Originally posted by O’Borg
[B]Minus the new joiners, I make it the rest of us outputted over 4300 Woots yesterday.


Well done team! [/B]

Definately good news :thumbsup:

great news as always :thumbsup::smiley:

Good read mate cheers… :slight_smile:

Great new as allways. Thanks!

Nice news?!:confused:
I like the chick on the pic :devil:

Top news m8ey :smiley: