TPR Daily Seti Flame 3rd May 2006

03 May 2006

02-May-2006 13:05 30.4M (seti server time and XML size)

New Recruits

No leavers :slight_smile:

Stomp of the Day: SizEzE in Div 2

Premier League
zouo moves up 1 place to 22nd stomping sirgaz
R33 moves up 1 place to 32nd stomping Rick

Division 1
Kevin G. Clarke moves up 1 place to 27th stomping Victor Lawrence

Division 2
SizEzE moves up 3 places to 6th stomping Mordant, Andrew and Tackleway
Brian Howcroft moves up 1 place to 38th stomping DannagE
Brian Leahy moves up 1 place to 45th stomping Storm PCs

Division 3
Quaz moves up 2 places to 11th stomping rolandsea and RoJ
RoJ moves up 1 place to 12nd stomping rolandsea

Division 4
W9SBU moves up 1 place to 7th stomping merlin
ScottishBird moves up 1 place to 9th stomping d4y+im3
Viking moves up 1 place to 15th stomping tomcoomes

Division 5
Mithos moves up 1 place to 43rd stomping bgl2

Division 6

Go ScottishBird! :stomp:

thanx wormss

woo hoo moving again i am down to 1 pc crunching again so thats why i havent been moving much at the moment :frowning:


I’m sure Wednesdays is roguebfl on the news rota … and Peige was Sunday … I do believe binlala was looking for someone to take over his day though :Poke:

:cheers: but try not to step on toes please :kickbum:


Thanks for the news worms… cough nice picture :lol:

I’m sure Wednesdays is roguebfl on the news rota … and Peige was Sunday … I do believe binlala was looking for someone to take over his day though

Your telling me, i was totally confused on Sunday… was having enough trouble due to it being a bank holiday weekend, let alone when i went to do it it had been done already :confused:

If we have more people wanting to do it i’m happy to step aside and let somebody do my Tuesday slot, i only took both to help get things moving :cool:

Usually its already done for the morning, … i noticed it wasn’t, thinking they must have been busy…

but sure, i’l take over binlala’s day if he wants…

Thanks for news wormss. Nice stomp of the day feature :idea: me considers stealing it :sneaky:

Well have computer realted issues at home, and had to wait till i was on campus today :wink: but no problem

Thanks for the update, WORMSS.