TPR Daily Seti Flame 4/6/2006

04 June 2006

03-Jun-2006 11:47 32.0M (seti server time and XML size)

New Recruits
None today :frowning:

No leavers :slight_smile:

Premier League
R33 moves up 1 place to 18th stomping StormPC
tony@home moves up 1 place to 33rd stomping Rythim and Dancin

Division 1
roguebfl moves up 1 place to 14th stomping Donna^^O^^Darko

Division 2
Fleshwound moves up 1 place to 7th stomping Ronald C. Spencer
Mathena moves up 1 place to 41st stomping Quaz

Division 3
Pants moves up 3 places to 15th stomping Robert Gerrard, Thentil and speedy170
Scott moves up 1 place to 24th stomping FukusukeMix
Stephen R Homer moves up 2 places to 26th stomping SJ761 and pgresz
pgresz moves up 1 place to 27th stomping SJ761
MickeyC moves up 2 places to 29th stomping wolf and Bigsheff1
Stephan moves up 2 places to 33rd stomping ET_Seeker and CrystalShards
Mr_SeeD moves up 1 place to 42nd stomping Madison McSpadden

Division 4
Dragon15 moves up 1 place to 12nd stomping Ken
ghostpainter moves up 4 places to 43rd stomping NightWlf, macgyvero, T-Bag and Paul Gysen
phantomorrin moves up 2 places to 48th stomping milo909 and Nowhere Man

Division 5
Walter OReilly moves up 3 places to 16th stomping bmorlan, stuart and kevdt67
Sean Monteverdi moves up 1 place to 39th stomping Harry

Division 6

wow, its been a while since i last had a stomp. Thanks for the news :thumbsup:

Thanks for the Seti update, Peige.

Thankie :slight_smile:

i see i got Mr Seed tearing up the road behind me!!
/me tries best not to allow him to overtake!

best i get my 2nd rig on the go then :sneaky: :wink:

Stompy Stompy