Would anyone be interested in blowing the cobwebs off that old copy of Unreal Tournament 3 for some old school FPS action?
I can host the server and get the patches and map packs together, all you need is a copy of the game.
If you don’t have a copy it is available on steam (bit of a rip off if you ask me) or you can get it from play (currently £4.99 new £1.99 used) or amazon (currently £5.01, £2.64 used).
Let me know if you are interested.
I tried a similar thing with CS, but now the sun has got its hat on even the most hardened geek is attracted to going for a walk in the sun for some ornithology
I haven’t got a working computer good enough to run it :chuckle: i do have two good enough but haven’t had the time or effort to fix either of them as i don’t think there worth the time. Eventually i’ll get round to building/acquiring/buying a new one
if you had mentioned it, I dunno about 8hours ago I could have put parts in the boot of a Clio !!
I saw the CS post (on the Tuesday after spending the bank holiday weekend out in the sunshine)