Welcome Burlsey!

nice to see ya mate :slight_smile: slotted in nicely at #10 i see :smiley:

Welcome to the team! :wave:

A special welcome to our 600th member. :woot:

Welcome m8. :thumbsup:

Neal - SETITeam :lol:

Burlsey now has two welcoming threads running. :smiley:

Least that can be done for the guy who topped us at 600. :smiley:

Where do you get the update so quick guys?

SetiTeam is the fastest Programm for this;)

but the offical webside is down :frowning:

Sir Ulli

If you mean site of SETITeam don’t think Sqiz supports it
anymore and certainly not seen him around here for ages:(


HI Burlsey Welcome to the team :wave:

Welcome to TPR :smiley:

Originally posted by Neal Chantrill

Where do you get the update so quick guys?

i invited him :wink:

download SetiTeam 2.1h


i hope that was the latest Version, if anyone have a newer so post it here

Sir Ulli

Welcome Bursley!

:woot: 600 members! :thumbsup:

Warm welcome to the madhouse…

…thanks for the SETITeam hint; that satisfied an itch…

Have a lovely:cuddle:for making such a good choice :slight_smile:

Nice one Lucifer! :smiley:

:hail: Hey Burlsey! :worship:

Now to get the rest of them over from Xaprief and we can set up a ‘Xaprief/OCS Virtual Team’ :slight_smile:

:o What? What?? We hit 600 members! ROCK ON!!

Welcome, Burlsey!:smiley: And a very special welcome to the 51K WU’s. …

Welcome to the Team:wave:

Welcome :wavey:


Welcome Bursley //grumble grumble//

knocked out of top ten :frowning:

recites…p4 HT, p4 HT,p4HT


Welcome to TPR matey! :wavey:

Welcome :smiley: