What an excuse


LOL just read this from another forum, and well did anyone not need inspiration:p

:eek: You don’t post often Tony, but when you do, it’s class mate :slight_smile:

:chin: me wonders if I should start a daily course of preventative treatment :haha:

Does this mean we can get Penthouse mag on the NHS then? :chuckle:

Originally posted by O’Borg
Does this mean we can get Penthouse mag on the NHS then? :chuckle:
ROFL, sounds good to me… :devil:

It’s a prostatic stagnation hypothesis.

Well, I’ve never heard being horney called that before :confused:


Originally posted by Tony
BBC NEWS | Health | Masturbation 'cuts cancer risk'

:flip: stops sittin on hands now its medically proven:flip:


I asked the wife earlier if she would like to help me in a bit of therapy :smiley:

… from her answer I think I’m doomed :frowning:

So is the choice going blind or catching cancer?

Tough call!