Who are we?
Team Phoenix Rising is a bunch of like minded folks, some of us have been in other teams, some others are new to distributed computing projects. We live here. We currently have the following distributed computing teams:
[/li][li]Folding 2
[/li][li]UD Think/Cure for Cancer
In addition, our home-brewed SETI statistics can be found here, and our webspace here.
What do team Phoenix Rising do?
The team was founded in late October 2001 with the following principles in mind:
[li] The team should answer to no-one but itself. No hardware site, no corporate sponsors, just the team.
[/li][li] Although we are passionate, distributed computing projects should remain FUN.
[/li][li] Top of the table is controlled by numbers of CPU’s. Top of the forums is controlled by attitude and atmosphere. Although we would like the former, we concentrate on the latter.
Team Phoenix Rising is a democracy with moderators for the forums being voted in by the members. We do not seek to control the content of our members’ input to the forums, unless it crosses the bounds of public decency or legal requirement (for a full rundown of our rules, see here). We constantly strive to provide a forum which is challenging and provocative, without being abusive and sensationalist.
What matters most to Team Phoenix Rising?
The team. We have no other affiliation.
How do I join?
To join, please follow the links for the various distributed projects:
[/li][li]Genome - our team number is 1165656083
[/li][li]Folding 2 - our team number is 315
[/li][li]UD Think/Cure for Cancer
[/li][li]Forums - here
[/li][li]Lifemapper - select “Phoenix Rising” from the “Join This Group” at the bottom of the form
What do I need to have to join Team Phoenix Rising?
You will need to share our core values as listed above, and be prepared to have some fun. We ask nothing else. Whether you have no distributed computing units to your name, or fifteen thousand, you will be equally welcome, and have an equal voice.
I have questions about SETI in general?
See Mr Mincers most fine and original sticky here
But I have more questions
Contact us mincer@teamphoenixrising.net