Why should I crunch Life Mapper?

Any thoughts?

Because you may end up saving an indangered species
by predicting where else it could live, that place could be
just what those critters wanted without knowing it ever

Bit like SETI searching for other worlds which could harbor
human life or possible hold the key to a better existance.


I will have to read about this further. Thank you. It must be more than that. The reasons for Life Mapper must be richer than finding a place to put Pandas.

Establishment of non native species is the second greatest pressure on biodiversity next to habit destruction.

For example Norway is devoid of native plants and trees as the entire country is planted trees for the wood business.

The beautiful native plants and fish in the Florida Everglades has been replaced by non native plants and fish. That eco system is lost forever.

Ripped from lifemappers main page…

How will Lifemapper’s results be used?

For biodiversity research, education and conservation worldwide, especially to forecast environmental events and inform public policy with leading-edge science.

For example, using Lifemapper’s predictions of animal and plant distributions

Researchers will be able to model and simulate the spread of emerging diseases, plant and animal pests, or invasive species of plants and animals and their effects on natural resources, agricultural crops and human populations.
Environmental scientists will be able to model and predict the effects of local, regional or global climate change on Earth’s species of plants and animals.
Land planners and policy-makers will be able to identify the highest priority areas for biodiversity conservation.
Teachers, students and the public will be able to discover and map their backyard biodiversity and how it might be affected by changes in rainfall or temperature or by the spread of other species.
Humans have explored the life of the planet for the past 250 years. That knowledge is documented by millions of original specimens of plants and animals in the world’s natural history museums and herbaria. Become a Lifemapper and help science use this knowledge to better understand and conserve Earth’s biological diversity. Become a Lifemapper and help science inform environmental solutions for Earth’s biological diversity.

That’s a list of pretty good reasons. Thanks.

I’ll probably switch to lifemapper when a console version appears, not too sure about the current screensaver version.

Originally posted by richardlellisjr
Any thoughts?


Apart from all the excellent reasons listed by PMM you would be supporting TPR’s only team that is No.1 worldwide :smiley:

PPM’s reasons for joining Life Mapper are just too weighty and make my head spin. :spin: I take care of my brain and, since I don’t use alcohol, I stop when I know it’s going to hurt. :rolleyes:

I will load Life Mapper on this machine forthwith and let it run today and tonight through tomorrow. This weekend I will be going away so I’ll switch it back to SETI as I wouldn’t want it to crap out on Saturday and waste crunching time.

I have it up and running now as always running in the background. If it’s not too taxing I’m going to try and figure out how much to be crunched has been downloaded to see if I can use this internet connection on a couple of other computers for a while. :confused:

I’m happy to be here. :cheers:

Originally posted by richardlellisjr
Any thoughts?

Apart from the other very good reasons already put forward…

To be a part of a still very small but dedicated team…

and to see your name in print in another Daily News :smiley:

Welcome to the mapping of life Richard! :wave:

Thank you Bob-A-Job and Wolf. :nod:

I’ve got seven units completed. At least I won’t be in last place. :smiley:

You will be amazed at how fast they stack up. :nod:

Welcome to the fray good Sir! :thumbsup:

Thought I might as well join in the fun too :).

Originally posted by richardlellisjr
I’ve got seven units completed. At least I won’t be in last place. :smiley:

Welcome to the Richard and Speedo.

Don’t forget: The usual entrance is a 3some:devil:

Actual Richard has a good chance to archive it. 9 models in 5h12m and more than 16 hrs left.

Can’t figure any numbers for Speedo yet:shrug:

I do not have the ability to have more than one computer online at a time. One machine can work full time but a second runs seti until i connect it to return the result and get a new species.

Thanks for the welcome everyone. :nod:

Welcome Richard and Speedo :slight_smile:

Welcome Speedo! :wave:

While Richard is in the projections to place 32 in tomorrows news, Speedo shows why he has this name and is pushing for place 25 for his first show up in the news.

Very good show, guys :thumbsup: