Wish me luck :)

Well today at 4:30pm I will be having my first driving lesson :slight_smile: I cant wait…

and maybe it should be wish me luck… might have to be with them luck…

I wont be driving this year fully but for better luck with Future job chances… and because the lessons and tests are a gift from my parents :slight_smile:

its time…


Also keep an eye out on my site…

www.binlala.com for pictures of my past driving skills and future :wink:

good luck m8 hope you enjoy your first lesson :slight_smile:

Perhaps you could tag a few extra lessons on (after you’ve passed) to learn how to tow that caravan of yours :wink:

I wish luck to any pedestrians that cross your path, God rest their soul.

The best advice I can give is… keep your eye on what other cars are doing… driving your own car will become like walking… you won’t really need to think about it too much, but other drivers usually suck and its best to keep an eye on all other cars on the road at all times.

Good Luck!

Especially if it’s a BMW, anyway seriously good luck

Good luck m8,
and like speedo said :p,
Good luck to those pedestrians :p,
ill be doing my lessons this year also so maybe we can team up for some bumper car sessions :stuck_out_tongue:

Worst Drivers in Canada (IMO)

  1. SUV Drivers
  2. Luxury Car Drivers
  3. Pickup Truck Drivers
  4. Transport Truck Drivers

SUV drivers definatly at the top put Luxury car drivers and pickup truck drivers are a close tie… transport trucks are usually ok on normal roads, but on the highway they are brutal.

well im back… im alive and so are all the pedestrians :slight_smile:

For now…:lol:


I remember my first lesson…was along the road next to a crematorium…

Good luck. My father was a driving instructor and his main advice was rather like fenix25’s - “Assume every other driver is a blithering idiot.”

Also, learn to enjoy driving safely from the start. Pretend you have a passenger even when driving alone.

how was it ?

The most usful advice i was told, as silly as it may sound is … CBA (Clutch Break Accelerator) easy to foget when you have first started to drive and nearly tail end someone :wink:

It went well imo…he said that my only problem was stearing… and that I should feed the wheel rather than go with it :slight_smile:

but other than that everything was good :slight_smile: my breaking was good and my use of mirrors was good…

I even went onto a very very busy roundabout… and didnt stall once :slight_smile:

You should get convex mirrors for your side mirrors… I have been using them for years and it really saves you from checking your blindspot!

yup he had them :wink:

Thats perfect! But don’t use them for a driving test because they actually wan’t you to turn your head to check blindspots… not as safe IMO!

can anyone name the 1970’s film starring sylvester stallone and david carradine? :wink:
