
I have a job !!!


now all I need is transport sigh

Nice one mate - about time as well !

Mine’s a :drink: :wink:

nice one - what’s the job?

WooHoo :smiley:

Glad to hear that m8. Still local to you or you got to move.
Any chance you get down here for 11th July as leaving drinks in Hogshead after 6 pm :slight_smile:

Well done :thumbsup:

Hope it turns out to be all you want it to be.

Many KongaRats

:bounce: :bounce:


:banana: :thumbsup: WELL DONE BUD :agree:

it’s doing unix support (amongst other things) for a company 4 miles away from my current place of residence.

Money is good, and the first thing they wanna do with me is give me Veritas accreditation too - which was nice :smiley:

Beers tonight :agree: :drink:

/edit as for transport, the bikes just got new bearings, headlight adjusted and handlebars adjusted… should pass the MOT tomorrow morning :slight_smile: w00t!


Congratulations :smiley: