I’m trying to mimic this layout in word but cant for the life of me figure it out!
I want the section I’m working in to appear in the top right and I would like that bar there as well - however it’s not a paragraph border and it doesn’t appear to be a page border…
I cant see the header and footer from that doc - thats a screenshot from a PDF.
However Office 2007 does let me add the line - the next problem arises in that he only has that line and reference on pages that don’t have the start of a chapter/section
EDIT - as an aside, it maybe the Chapter field I’m after…
Was that typed in? - If it is, that could be a pain lol as I was looking to do it for my thesis (which at the minute is an undertimined number of pages but has to be about 80,000 :s)
:eek: :chuckle: I see what you mean, but you can save each thesis section (3.4 etc.) as a separate Word doc and then add the Insert Text option of “Page XofY” into the footer as in this.
My current plan is to type the chapters separate then add them into a master document (using Word’s master/sub document). Which sorts all the page numbers out which I’ve done via sections.
Mind on a thesis, it pays to get it right, so doing it by hand shouldn’t be a major pain!