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Top tune by Cameo in '86, but check out the dodgy first lyrics!

Yo’, pretty ladies around the world
Got a weird thing to show you, so tell all the boys and girls


Sounds a bit Gary Glitter…

And what about the red leather codpiece…tasty! :smiley:

I’ve often heard that tune pumping out of the Cuddle Zone™, and Doris often complains of discarded custard-soiled cod pieces the morning after :eek:

Originally posted by riddlermarc
… and Doris often complains of discarded custard-soiled cod pieces the morning after :eek:

Oh bugger :eek: I’ve been feeding the cat on those … thought they were bits of smoked kipper :frowning:

… the cat is doing fine though, apart from fetching banana skins home in a morning instead of the usual mice :confused:

Originally posted by riddlermarc
and Doris often complains of discarded custard-soiled cod pieces the morning after :eek:

Hahahaha…oh dear, the visions that brought up in my mind were vile. :lol: