You can customize the Lifemapper background.;act=ST;f=1;t=94

So… anybody up for making a cool TPR one? :wink:

Wish I had any talent for those things :frowning:

BTW The background file is set in LAYOUT.XML, so you can even set a different background for each instance running. Only thing to realize: the background files have to be in the directory of the first instance.

I’ll have a go at this :slight_smile:

Has someone got a good picture of a Phoenix bird that I can use?

Goos on ya’ Metz. MadDragon would be a good person to ask for artwork - he has done a lot of TPR-based work :slight_smile:

That’s my first attempt. :rolleyes:

Would be nice, Mappers, if you stick a bit of greenish/LMish theme somewhere in a corner. Otherwise, go for it. Have fun.

Cool :cool: nice to know it can be done :nod:

I’ll be keeping mine as is though as I rather like the Lifemapper
graphics as is :slight_smile:

A slight variation on the lifemapper b/g:

Here - right click, save target as

Should satisfy hopefully, it’s what I use cos it blends nicely with original scheme.

Nice one Metz! :thumbsup:

Originally posted by lifemapper
Would be nice, Mappers, if you stick a bit of greenish/LMish theme somewhere in a corner. Otherwise, go for it. Have fun.

I agree with that.

Our usual TPR signs showing a bit too much of the magic TPR flame :wink: for the LifeMapper project.

@ Jeff
Classic TPR design. Who wouldn’t remember this? :thumbsup:

@ Metz
The team name with a little shining from the green corner. I like that idea too. :smiley:
Maybe a Phoenix added somewhere?

Sorry to bring this thread back from the dead but here is how my lifemapper is looking :smiley:

nice plant as well :wink:

Me wants what lab boy has :slight_smile:

Originally posted by efaill
Me wants what lab boy has :slight_smile:

:nod: Me too! :nod:

Cheers guys :smiley:

you can download the background here. Just remember to remove the tickertape line in the layout.xml file or you’ll have annoying writing scrolling across the phoenix.

Just put your background on lab boy and it looks ace :thumbsup: