
Hey guys…

Found this site from a google search on this and that…seems like a cool site!

Just wanted to put my head round the door and give a little nod! Hope you guys are doing well?

Hello, and welcome to the boards:)

Hi there and welcome to TPR :tiphat:, come in and make yourself comfortable.

You’ll find good company in here and whilst it is certainly not obligatory - no doubt the crunching pimps :Pimp: will be along in a while to encourage you to join one of the teams Seti, folding or one of the others :slight_smile:


Hi there…welcome to the mad house :smiley:

thanks for the warm welcome so far!

Tell me, what is involved in these groups?

Nothings really involved here but alot of us crunch, see here or play online games…look in the games section. Apart from that we’re just a group of nutters :smiley:

oooohh…sounds fun!

Welcome to the team :wave:

Enjoy your stay! :slight_smile:

We are a jack of all trades here with a few nutters thrown in :wink:

But in the whole just a big family of computer nerds :wink:

Welcome to our forums :slight_smile:

that sounds like me…I love building PCs up…love using them…love gaming on them and designing on them!

Howdy and welcome :slight_smile: have fun at the forum

Welcome to the nut house we are all a friendly bunch of ppl we dont bite will i dont much :wink:

I should hope not as well!!!

Welcome, you sound like you’ll fit right in, any strange fettishes? we tend to embrase those oddities out there, juggy and his custard springs to mind, oh and me of course with my strange compulsion to invite all and sundry to our semi regular get togeathers (see mojo’s threads)


will look at mojo’s threads for sure

Hay Hay :), im loving the Wallice Sig :)…

hello mmprophet :wavey:

oh there’s lots of this and that in here, you might also come across the odd plate of :spam: (although no-one spams much - honestly :whistle: ) :smiley:

spam? noooo, no spam what so ever…
:spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam:

Thanks…apart from Wallace & Gromit themselves, it’s all done by my fair ol hand…took me ages as well!!

welcome :mexwave: